
This React pump service plan is available for New Zealand customers at time of purchase.
The service plan is set at $499NZ + GST/year and will be adjusted annually for CPI from 2020.
Annual service of the React pump when returned to EcoInnovation includes:
All new water side and oil side seals.
All new ceramic plungers if needed.
Pressure sensor check and replacement if needed.
Check BLDC motor/stator parts and replacement if needed.
Check BLDC electronic driver and replacement if needed.
Upgrade BLDC driver software to latest release.
Test for leaks and correct operation at rated head.
Warranty extension for a further 12 months, covering non consumable items above.
Return to you by courier (NZ North & South Islands only).
The service plan can be used for a maximum of 10 years from time of purchase. It does not cover damage to parts due to misuse.
Manufacturer requires client to provide the serial number and contact details for the pump at service program registration. The serial number is on a label on the top of each box. Please make sure you provide it to us when ordering service program.